She'll likely have many happy months ahead of her, so our job is to search out the best patch of sun for her with a human who is okay with making difficult end-care decisions. Some call this work 'fospice care,' which we like very much.
Here's what her fospice bio might look like: "Miss Birdy adores all people and life in general. She's ridiculously cheerful and over-the-moon grateful to have your company. She has more spunk than you'd think an older, sick dog should have. She is housetrained (a hint of a former life indoors?). She is polite around dogs but doesn't necessarily have the mind to play with them. Elliot is cautious around her - maybe he just knows that she's not well. She was starved beyond recognition this year and it's likely she ate anything she could get her mouth on - bugs? pigeons? icky things off the cement that no dog should ever eat. For that reason, she needs to be reminded not to graze the ground anymore when out on walks. Her prey drive for cats is rather impressive for an old sick gal.
She's going to live really, really well, and then she's going to pass on and make us all wish we had more time. But that's the joy of doing fospice care -- it slams you face first into the realization that life is short and incredibly precious. Birdy is a gift to all of us. We look forward to seeing her belong to somebody and for somebody to belong to her."

Oh my, bad pit bull news on both coasts today. So glad she found you to love her when she needed it. She couldn't be anywhere better.
ReplyDeletePoor poor sweetie. That face is so darling. I will keep my fingers crossed for this love.
ReplyDeletePoor baby girl. Is it too far gone to try and aim for treatment with remission?
ReplyDeleteI hope the perfect home comes along for her. She deserves the best. If I were closer I would look into being that person, but alas I am on the other side of the continent. Pawsitive thoughts and prayers coming your way.
ReplyDeleteI would be so tempted to foster her if she wasnt preditory toward cats. Hoping for some sweet time for her before she passes. Thanks for being there for her.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is happy yet so sad for Miss Birdy. If I had the heart to handle the end care I would do this without hesitation...but perhaps a visit to Miss Birdy with a gift will suffice.
ReplyDeleteI lost my Mookie (1988-1999) to cancer. He was 1/2 pit. And like Miss Birdy, he loved cats (with ketchup and french fries). I'm glad Birdy has ya'll to look out for her and screen potential fospice care sites. Our parish has no animal control. All my dogs my entire 43 years have come from the dumpsters or the side of the road. I wouldn't have it any other way.
ReplyDeleteI'm sooo sorry but I know she is in the best of hands with you guys. Keep her happy and well fed and who knows? She might stick around longer than you think.
ReplyDeleteBig C Survivor, Dianne
Donna, I would like to give Miss Birdy the best days of what life she has to live. For some reason, it feels like this is mine to do. I've never met her, but I love her, want to take care of her, want to have her in my life. I want for she and I to have a lot of fun, for her to have a place to snuggle and rest, and when the time comes, for her to pass peacefully knowing that she is well loved.
ReplyDeleteI need to talk to the property owner about her, but I don't think that should be a problem. Everyone else on the property has dogs, including pit bull type dogs. You can reach me at anneke@dktrbone.com.
I too have a old gal with Lymphoma, a rescued Pit Bull, named Belle who was starving and lost on the street thirteen years ago. I am so grateful to have had time to cherish her,love and spoil her. I hope Miss Birdy will find the same, someone who will love her today, like there is no tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI LoVe YoU Miss Birdy!! You are the sweetest!! I hope you have the best life that you need my friend you deserve it. Thank You for taking care of this precious baby girl. She looks like my boy Obie and I wish you the best!! BIG HUGS AND KISSES to You.... XOXOXOXOXOX
ReplyDeleteShe's just peaceful and beautiful in those pictures. Bless her heart and yours. I'm praying that she finds a wonderful warm bed and a family really fast. Sarah in NYC
Hey, I am interested in helping with Miss Birdy as well! My girlfriend and I have a 2.5 yr old pit who loves everything and everyone, and is very well mannered. We were both inspired by her story and wanted to offer to make her life the best possible. We live in a one bedroom apartment but one of us is home 99% of the time and we take our boy for a walk numerous times every day. The only problem is that we live all the way in NJ, but if it is possible we would love to try and make this work with you guys. She deserves all the love in the world, and we know we could do that for her. If it is possible my email is kmorgan89@ymail.com!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck, Miss Birdy, in finding the perfect place full of pillows and people to live out your last days. I'm so glad that your destiny is to spend your last months in the company of people who love you, not to starve on the streets. Now is the time when you can teach us so much about what it means to truly LIVE. Kisses, lovely lady.
ReplyDeleteoh Miss Birdy...how unluckily lucky you are. and how loved as well
ReplyDeleteSo sad to hear this news. But I am glad she will be in great hands during this time and receive the respect and love she deserves.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about the cancer yet so glad that she is in such good hands and that happy and loving days are still ahead for her.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the ride Birdy. It gets to be a good one from here :-). Advanced thanks to whoever becomes her Fospice is a lucky home. I LOVE being a fospice and if I weren't in Colorado, I would give her a warm, fuzzy, soft bed and all the love a girl could stand.
ReplyDeleteMy heart sank when I read about Miss Birdy's swollen lymph nodes.
ReplyDeleteWe had to let our Betsy (Boston Terrier) go 5 days before Christmas about 2 years ago to lymphoma. Did all we could-wasn't fair anymore. It is a nasty thing and while doing research after her diagnosis I seemed to find SO MANY of the cases are HERE, IN THE U.S. This frightens me--do we have more pesticides/herbicides here that is causing it? There has to be a cure or preventative out there.
While researching I found a Facebook page "Canine Lymphoma" that offered a place where those of us who were going through the same thing could relate to each other. It helped a little although I was still incredulous that there was not SOMETHING that could be done. After working for a Vet for several years in the late 70's and earkly 80's, I wasn't used to hearing this diagnosis for a dog.
I hope Miss Birdy's good days are many. And I hope that there is more awareness about this cancer so that maybe a cure/prevention can be found SOON!
Bless you Birdy!
She is so lovely. I know all the person around her are showing some love and care. Just continue doing such things guys. I will include her to my prayer for her recovery.
ReplyDeleteAww Miss Birdy, your story makes me cry. I hope you truly feel the love everyone has for you and want for nothing for the rest of your days. Muah-sloppy pibble kisses for you!
ReplyDeleteMiss Birdy, I know your remaining days will be filled with love and warmth and food and joy. You are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteOh Miss Birdy, The things you have seen, the places you have been. Why is life such a test at times? Although I have not caressed your soft fur or received one of your delicate kisses.... I feel as though I know you. Regardless of where you have been, and what has been done to you....all that matters is WHERE YOU ARE NOW! Your journey has brought you to the right place, and into the right hands. You are loved by those who are close to you and by those who are afar. Now that you are safe, you will be embraced as your journey continues to move ahead. Miss Birdy it is your turn now to bask in the sun, eat endless treats, and simply be the beautiful dog you are meant to be. Stay strong Miss Birdy...we are all by your side.
ReplyDeleteI'm heart broken for Miss Birdy.... The good part as you stated above is that she does not know and is just living life. This means she still has many great days ahead of her.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, we are glad we got to meet her and be part of her life. We definitely felt the warmth of her heart and also the warmth of her excitement pee...
Give her a hug and kiss from her OH friends...
I'm sorry to hear this news but I know Miss Birdy still has the faith that she had to get herself through her some trials in her life and then found herself in a wonderful place. She will find that special someone who will love her until she leaves this earth because of her faith in her humans. She will live the rest of her life loved by many people, near and far.
ReplyDeleteso many warm thoughts for a once-forgotten street stray. you guys are going to extend her life with your good thoughts alone! thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnneke - we hear you! let's talk after T-day.
Sad but very happy you saved her so she could have quality of life for what remains for her. She seems to be enriching everyone's life and that is the wonderful thing that animals do. They enrich people's lives, no matter how long they are here on this planet. It looks like she already has a home which is wonderful. Wishing her the best that life has to offer. She deserves it.
ReplyDeletePlease keep us posted about Miss Birdy and Anneke? Thank you!!