Monday, January 9, 2012

pit bull imposters at work

The wee Blink - a near casualty of one Ohio shelter's nincompoopery - is earning her kibble as 'barn socializer' of sorts. Rita Mae thinks she's uber-cool. Jondi is entertained. And Elliot ... he just wants in on the action.


  1. Ha! Looks like Rita Mae and Blink are having a grand time--and poor Elliot doesn't seem to know how to jump in! So much activity going on below his belly level! He needs to remember his puppy play skills and get down on the ground and let the game come to him!

  2. Hilarious! I love that Rita Mae and Blink both fit under Elliot! Big guy, big brother! Jondi - "where's the popcorn?"

  3. Rita mae is too cute with that pink shirt on! I love how elliot keeps just putting himself in the middle of it to get attention he seems a bit too big to join the party!

  4. What a ragingly adorable little dog! She looks like she has *some* bully in her.. what flavor? Who knows! Crazy cute!

  5. Those three together look like a trio of those Russian nesting dolls - Rita fits exactly under Elliot and Blink fits exactly under Rita. So much fun!

  6. oh my goodness, they make Elliot look 6ft tall! All adorable babies.

  7. You guys should try to figure out how to harness the power of Rita Mae's tail and sell the electricity she generates back to the grid!

  8. As someone who has had both, I gotta say, that muzzle is 100% cocker spaniel and 0% pit bull!

  9. Awww! They look like our three - our apbt & beagle mix wrestle while our boxer circles, making throat tickling noises!


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