From Ayse's parents..
Just wanted to share with you that we discovered Ayse is an arboreal pit bull. She absolutely loves to climb trees. We found out one day when Rudy was walking Ayse past a tree, and all of a sudden, Rudy's arm (attached to Ayse's leash) suddenly raised up into the air.
Ayse apparently spied a squirrel, and ran up a tree before Rudy knew what was happening! This was during Ayse's fun time on her walk (not obedience training at that moment). Well, Ayse has been climbing trees ever since. Thank goodness we always keep her on a leash, otherwise, she would keep going up and up and up.
We love Ayse. Thanks again for her!
Rudy and Jarvia
(We like Rudy's face as much as Ayse's face here. YeHaw!)