Wednesday, March 13, 2013

night duty

Night duty at the barn means letting the dogs out for their final pee before tucking in for the night. Tim usually has this shift after working late on his carvings - between midnight and two in the morning. He's usually joined by the coyotes, a mass of croaking frogs, and lately, two great horned owls showing off for each other from the pine trees.

Part of night duty can involve cuddle time for the dogs. I can always tell when he's been working on teaching a squirmy dog to sink into squeezes. "Have you been holding Diamond at night? She's been extra chill lately when I hug her." Tim: "Yep. Love that dog."

That may be why, rather than rush around in the dark, most of the dogs run outside, do their business, then run back to the door asap. "Let me in." It's time to cuddle, get a treat, fall asleep to the night sounds and wake up to start a brand new day.


  1. Night duty sounds amazing. Tim is very lucky to have that job. The barn patio looks so cute and inviting at night too....I love the lights. The barn dogs are so lucky to have such a beautiful temporary home and to be getting cuddles before bed!! Hugs & cuddles from Texas ~ xoxo!!

  2. Love this. Always love Barn Blog. Back to the dogs good for the soul. Dancing w/ mine at 7 am today. So damn happy and singing ain't nothing but a hound dog. Elvis. Not thinkng about Ezra Pound poem re don't get too damn happy. But afterward thinkng about Mark Twain and poltics. Here's looking at you Donna and Tim. Walking the talk. For the dogs. Who are damn lucky to have you guys.

  3. These are some very lucky dogs. Thanks for your kindness and commitment to them. The picture is beautiful as always.


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