Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh Modo!

One of life's bigger challenges: Enjoying a meal in peace when a determined puppy is on the scene.

'Modo' spent a few days at the barn on his way to foster care and - next! - a real live home. We're just fine to leave the housetraining work to the new suckers wonderful people who'll be bringing him home this weekend.


  1. He has the crazy Pittie I see foodz look!

  2. What is your arm doing in the way there buddy?

  3. Great blog. You always get great pictures. Another happy ending thanks to some really kind people. Enjoy the rest of your life Modo. You are one adorable, lucky puppy with a really cool name.

  4. I love how Tim is always laughing when the dogs are naughty. He must have the patience of a saint.

    1. LOL. He laughs when he knows he's BEAT! Puppies are masters at wearing us down, and this one was a pro.

  5. I love Tim's expression and Modo's expression in this photo!


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