Tuesday, February 28, 2012

first chair

This is Jondi with her 'first person,' in their favorite red chair. They used to spend a lot of time here.

A lot has changed since this photo was taken. Jondi's person had bigger plans and saw fit to exit the planet early last summer, and another wonderful person stepped in to make the red vixen part of her family.

We went to visit Jondi's old chair yesterday at her first person's house. I plopped down in it, and thought about the old days. For a minute, it felt really strange ...The past colliding with the present and sliding into the future - all in one mini tsunami in my stomach. I'm sure you must know the feeling.

But - Jondi's in her new home and it was time to give the first chair a new home, too. So we loaded it up into our little red pick up truck and chugged up the hill to the barn. I woke up with a sense of urgency today and poked Tim awake: "Wake up. We have to put the chair in the barn now." It was sitting out in the pick up truck looking ... lost. Poor Tim - The things I make him do.

He pulled on his clothes and plodded out to the truck with me. I'd been up early, sweeping and mopping in preparation for its homecoming. We heaved it out of the truck and navigated gates and barn doors. Every dog on the site cocked his head and watched the procession from whatever vantage point he could get.

And there it is. Olive is its first inhabitant and hopefully there will be many more before it finally gets nibbled away by one or more party dogs. Jondi's at home and so is her chair and so is her first person, and everything's where it's supposed to be.


  1. Thank you for this post, for your openness when it comes to accepting all that life throws your way, for finding silver linings and new purposes and new beginnings always.

  2. You're very kind Colleen. Like you, I could do with fewer thunderstorms on the way to those silver linings. ;-)

  3. that was beautiful. Olive is beautiful. Bless Jondi's first person, I'm sure she's at peace and she can be! Her dog is home. Sarah

  4. This post brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad that everything has come full circle and Jondi, her first person and their favorite chair have all found their way "home." Your work and positive attitude never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for all you do.

  5. You sorrow is palpable. Thanks for sharing in this beautiful piece. My favorite uncle also took an "early out" and provided for his dog (a dobie). My niece took her.

  6. Thanks so much for the gentle notes, y'all. If Jondi only knew how much influence she had on our hearts. Helping her get home was our way of helping Barbara, and I do believe she knows that she's safe now. What I didn't know was that letting go of Jondi would equal letting go of Barbara. But at least we get to see her live out her life - Priceless. Now let's hope and pray Olive doesn't decide to chew up that chair too soon. PLEASE Olive!

  7. Wow..I couldn't get through this post without a tissue. Lots of tears...both of sadness and joy. Everyone and everything has a purpose, and it is amazing how the circle of life plays out at times. Thank you for sharing this touching story.

    Lastly, Miss Olive....please, please, please....respect the chair.

  8. That chair's witnessed a lotta love, past and now in the present. I pray it has a long future being well loved by more dogs getting a fresh new start.

  9. This is one of the most touching posts I've seen. I remember reading about Jondi when her first person departed and I followed her progress on your blog, rooting her on and wishing her the best from afar. I'm so glad that you were able help put everything in its right place. The chair is just the topper. So awesome!


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