Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gurdy, Still

A happy discovery: Gurdy can indeed stop moving while perfectly awake.

We hold our breath and count .."ONE-one thousand...TWO-one thousand...THR ---"

ZOOM! She's off and running.

Staffy Bull much?


  1. She is such a beautiful dog.

  2. She is just gorgeous. I doubt the deafness slows her down at all. She would be a great dog to adopt. If only. You are in good hands Ms. Gurdy.

  3. Was anything ever decided about her hearing?

  4. She is a beautiful, lucky dog to be with Bad Rap. Happy for Tallulah and sad for Lennox. If anyone knows the trials and tribulations of BSL you people do. Thanks for staying the course and doing right by these great dogs.

  5. Replies
    1. We don't know why she's deaf, but it appears to be permanent. She's a quick study with hand signs though and having lots of little Helen Keller break-through moments. :-)

    2. it is only fitting that she learns quickly - Helen Keller did have a pit bull after all!

  6. I am sure she is the perfect student. Great picture.

  7. I am looking forward to meeting some of these guys when I am in Oakland next month. August 17 to 21. She's a doll and I hope she gets a forever home soon. Best thing to help a deaf dog is a hearing dog.


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