He came from the Spindletop case so lord knows how long he's been waiting to get started with his life, but he's a senior so it could've been ... Years? There's no telling what he saw or how he was housed or if he had any friends or what he experienced during that time. The owner of the now defunct Texas rescue knows, but she's not talking. So we're left to ponder what the dogs decide to confess to us.

Right now, Jimmy's not telling us much of anything, except that he likes his food and his dog bed and sniffing the ground and going for walks. People don't matter too terribly much. We're aren't scary, we aren't bad -- We just aren't.
Is he waiting for someone? Is he senile? Is he enjoying himself or just biding his time?
While everyone else is tossing toys and looking for fun, Jimmy just stares out a lot. When it's his turn for exercise, he kicks up his heels and cavorts around the yard momentarily like one happy puppy. When he starts pacing in Lost Man circles, we put him back ...
Then ... it's back to staring out at the world from his vantage point. I figure he must've done the statue act so much in Texas that he's come to believe that's what he is.
Statue Man - staring out. For years.
He performs obedience like a trick pony -- Everything perfect. "Here's my paw. Here's my down. Here's how I can jump on the pause table. Here's how I wait for my food and look into your face until you say 'Okay.'"
Then .. he's back to being all alone in his little head. Never a tail wag or sparkle of recognition.
Here's where I worry: Who will want our Jimmy?
Will he find someone to love him even if he doesn't slobber 'Hellos' when they come home from work?
Will they understand that he's just a little bit different?
I know I shouldn't worry, but it's what I'm good at.
Yes, someone will want him. I want him.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm worried :-( But I have to think things are changing for this boy and with him being a senior he has just learned to wait it out to make sure it all sticks. I'm counting on him deciding the good life is here to stay just may take a while.
ReplyDeleteBless his heart. It's good that you give a description of him and his wonderful uniqueness and individuality, since all dogs are unique. It could be his age in combination with experiences or just his makeup or the fact that he's still adjusting. But he sounds like a sweetie who just isn't as exuberant as the other dogs. Nothing wrong with that. We have a dog like that. If we could, we would love to take him and all the rest. I am sure there is someone out there that will want this special dog. You worry because you care. Thanks for caring about them all. We are so grateful there are people out there like you who help these dogs.
ReplyDeleteOh, Jimmy. You're going to find your person. I know it.
ReplyDeletePerhaps he isn't willing to give any more until someone proves they will stick with him and give him more.
ReplyDeleteI have a dog like that. He is 16+ years, has never had a walk past our driveway, doesn't play with toys, doesn't like to be handled, spends most of his day sleeping in his crate. No amount of anything in the 15 yrs I've had him will change his mind. He has survived two rounds of cancer. Yet, he enjoys his simple little life as it is. We love him for it. Jimmy will find someone who will love him for just him. You don't know the history or how long he has been sort of shut down so he may come out of it and maybe not. They don't have to give sloppy kisses or drop toys in our laps to still be valued for just how they are. He's special and so will the person be who adopts him. Hopefully it will be soon!
ReplyDeleteDonna, it's because of how much you care for each and every dog in the Barn (and beyond) that I read this blog. I live in NH, too far away to volunteer or adopt one of these babies but your words and photos make me smile and cry right along with you. Jimmy's life is so much better now than it was at Spindletop. Decompression takes longer when you've experienced nothing but the worst in life as he has in his time there. The fact that you care so much will give him the confidence to believe that life can be good, is good, now. I'm going to go and play with one of my three guys now and wait to see the photos of when Jimmy begins to believe. With you and Tim in his corner it WILL happen.
ReplyDeleteHe's exactly the kind of dog I would take and love. So don't worry, Donna, someone is looking for a dog just.like.Jimmy.
ReplyDeleteVery handsome boy. I think he'll do just fine. And there is someone who will love him, cherish him, and adore him for being himself. He's unique, we all are unique - laid back kinda guy.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Donna, for describing the thing with Jimmy so well. I've been worrying about him too. He's the first dog to stay in my house who didn't make a connection with me or my dogs. A few times I thought I saw something in his eyes, but only for a moment. I hope that when he finds his own people he will teach them his language and tell them his story.
ReplyDeleteOh if only I were closer and had room for another... Don't fret Donna, Jimmy will find his people like all the rest. Maybe his puzzle just has more pieces and might take longer to put together. I remember worrying about dogs like Jimmy when they came into our rescue; some opened up and some didn't. But they all learned what love is. He will too <3
ReplyDeleteI wish we lived down there, we would adopt him in a minute. We have a girl that we found and it took her a good 4 months before she would even sit next to us. Eleven years later, we still love her to pieces. Is she like most dogs? Nope, but we don't care. We just love her for the dog she is and what she does give.
ReplyDelete"Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." Benjamin Franklin
ReplyDeleteThe sunlight will shine on Jimmy soon....just give it time. :) I am a true believer that miracles happen every day at the barn...and one will happen for Jimmy too.
Good grief, your portrait of Jimmy is poignant. You write so well, and your knowledge of these dogs is so broad and deep and emotionally connected; it's impossible not to be touched by this description of a dog who's quietly, subtly, just not like the others. I want desperately for Jimmy to find some joy - his own brand of joy - and for that I wait patiently with you.
ReplyDeleteIt is okay to worry. You want him to be comfortable and happy. I adopted a senior in 2008 and it took her about 6months to start acting like a moderately 'normal' dog. As time went by she became this unique, diva entity not the filthy, unconnected animal she started as with us. When she passed away I knew there would never have been enough time with her!
ReplyDeletethere's some speculation/evidence that this old boy is 15 year old "Benz" a dog that Leah bred herself. Which makes his abandonment all the more horrific. But in any case, it's wonderful that the rest of his life will be with someone who cares and will do the best for him. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteJimmy will find love. There are lots of people like me who would want such a wonderful boy. You just need the one who not only has room in his or her heart, but also room in their house.
ReplyDeleteOh, Donna, hugs to you. I'm glad he CAN do more than just be the Statue Man, that he cavorts like a pup during exercise time and can do his obedience like a trick pony, that shows there's still some light in there. Maybe he'll open up. Maybe he won't. But obviously this description has touched many people, so as long as you're honest about who he is, there's a chance that someone will give him a home even if he's not a licking love machine.
ReplyDeleteHe is waiting for someone. Leah. Jimmy is Benz and her prrsonal dog which is why he knows everything. He is politely wautung fir his bitch if an owner to come get him. And we all know she never will. With time he will look and wait less but at his age time is something he doesn't have.
ReplyDeleteBenz used to love water and his kiddie pool. And jolly balls. And agility equipment. And car rides.
With a sweet face like that, Jimmy will find love. Somewhere out there is the perfect match for Mr. Jimmy, and when they meet, everyone will know it. :)
ReplyDeleteHes waiting for the ball to drop.. He's trusted and been abused. Thats it... ITs when will u turn.. trust issues.. but he seams happy.
ReplyDeleteI would worry, too. But it makes sense to me if he's above average in his obedience skills, he would also hold on longer to other conditioned behaviors. I think he will adapt. Who knows how long or to what degree but he is alive so change is inevitable. We had a shelter dog from a hoarding case who was very similar. I feared he would never be adopted. But eventually a woman came along who wanted a dog just like Max. And sure enough he started to blossom, slowly, in her home. Personally, I gravitate toward the "slutty" dogs but even I would want Jimmy just to give him the very best of everything on his terms because he deserves it.
ReplyDeleteOh Donna, this made me so sad. The first time I saw the pictures of the long-legged Jimmy I had me a long-distance crush. We had a long-legged guy like this who was in the shelter way too long but he finally got adopted and we heard back that he was settling in well.
ReplyDeleteFrom what other posters have written, it sounds to me like he was a pet and is definitely waiting for someone. That is so sad. I once read that the
reason dog's lives are short is to teach us that it is possible to fall in love again. I'm sure you and the Bad Rap crew (people and dogs) can teach Jimmy-Benz
to fall in love again.
This breaks my heart. :( I just know one day he will look up with adoration in his eyes and wag his tail. Until then just keep doing what you do best. Thinking of you, sweet Jimmy and hoping that your inner light shines thru.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I've been reading all the dogs blogs all day and just crying for the ones I can't help. I unfortunately live far away from you and actually do not have room in my tiny apartment for such a special guy. Jimmy actually sounds alot like my cat, so I'm used to having an animal companion who doesn't really "need" my attention or want it. I have a feeling I'd love this little man.